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Writer's pictureCj Harris

Created For Such a Time As This

Today, I recalled a pretty powerful coaching session I had with a financial advisor and felt it was relevant enough to share, for such a time as this.

This advisor had been experiencing some health issues, marital issues, and was questioning their role and purpose in the work they do.

We come from different religious backgrounds, but I felt compelled to ask about their faith.

The advisor said that their faith was strong about 7 years ago, and in reflection, saw how their faith allowed them to ‘move mountains’ and conquer the impossible, but something seemed "off" now...

So naturally, my next question was, “Well, (with a slight smirk on my face) if you saw the impossible become possible, then what’s the difference with what you are experiencing at this moment?”

I noticed I almost had their attention, but not quite. I still saw defeat written all over their face, so I was led to “meet them where they were” and speak in a language that they could understand.

I said... (and so the conversation began)

“Think about an investor. What do we preach all of the time?

Stop Timing the Market and Put Time In.

We preach that there is risk in trying to time the market, but with TIME IN the market, and a long term investment perspective, that will help to sustain and balance out volatility within their portfolio. We also preach that when an investor is consistent with their strategy, they have the ability to sustain volatility and pullbacks in the market.

Disciplined Investors Don't Panic.

Because they have reaped the rewards during the upswings, and their gains allow them the comfort to sustain any short term ‘un-realized’ losses. They evoke a strategy of discipline and maintain a laser focus on WHY they became investors in the first place.

They Seek Opportunity and Value.

Wise investors look at times when the market goes down as an opportunity to gain additional value. (whatever that "investment" might be). They look at uncertainty as an opportunity. They have characteristics of real "problem solvers". They look at investing as a way to be part of a solution, while also seeking the opportunity to achieve long-term performance, not just short-term excitement. They hold to their discipline, because of their vision of what the ‘other side’ will look like.

They Are Patient.

Because they trust their strategy and believe in their outcome because they have a plan. And when you plan FORWARD, you get the unique opportunity to paint the story you want to see for your future. However too many people focus on current or past circumstances to paint the future, and great financial advisors are able to help clients adjust their focus to keep their eyes on the prize!

They Don't Give Up.

They stay in the game and adjust their strategy to increase their odds of seeing their goals and vision really manifest.... at an even greater level than where they started because understand that opportunity is birthed in uncertainty and they are willing to go through all 3 trimesters, full term.

They Pivot When Necessary.

Now we also realize that there are times when our recommendations may go from buy, to hold, to sell. We have to know when to look at both the fundamental and technical analysis to determine if an adjustment to the strategy is necessary to sustain the course. That's just good financial hygiene, nothing different than what we should be doing anyway.

So, I said, "Now let’s correlate that to you."

Yes, there will be times when you will need to determine if there are people, places, or things that you need to let go of, so you walk fully in your purpose. Yes, there will be times you need to just hold on... and be still, and do nothing because a real breakthrough might be right around the corner. Yes, there will be times, when it’s time to “level up” and acquire new relationships, habits, or career goals if you want to move to your next level of excellence.

Most importantly, if you saw where your faith and vision made what seemed impossible, possible, then why are you already claiming defeat, and cashing in?

It’s during these “pullbacks” that you need to have the mindset of a wise investor. You need to look for ways to increase your confidence and level UP on the investment you are making in yourself. Because once the time comes for the bounce back, you want to see a ‘double portion’ for your sacrifice. Wait... Let me repeat... You WANT to SEE a 'double portion for your sacrifice AND truly understand why you had to go through those "growing" pains!

Moral of the story, Use this opportunity to “LEVEL UP” and get your priorities in order, and watch things fall right into place.

Remain focused, because it ain’t over until you decide to ‘cash in’.

Until then... you are still in the race :)

...and I see a medal in your future, because you've been created for such a time as this.

Let's go get 'em!

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